Someone sent me this:
Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah 's Ark . One : Don't miss the boat. Two : Remember that we are all in the same boat. Three : Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. Four : Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big. Five : Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done. Six : Build your future on high ground. Seven : For safety sake, travel in pairs. Eight : Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs. Nine : When you're stressed, float a while. Ten : Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. Eleven : No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting
Maybe it is the natural instinct to be free,to seek freedom that prompts me to start blogging....Maybe its because its a fad that any so called 'thinking individual' has a modern day diary...Maybe its because am bored...Maybe i succumb to pressure from friends....Whatever the reason, here is my private garden,i plant the seeds,i water them,marvel at my handiwork and share it with loved ones;-)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Love ‘s Hues
Compiled from different love songs.Inspired by the fact that I’ll always be a silly old romantic, no matter what.
P.S- Can you identify the songs from which the lyrics are taken?
(First throes of love)
A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
(The courting)
Say you love me every weakening moment
Turn my head with talk to summertime
Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you
Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
You're safe
No one will find you
Your fears are far behind you
Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wild enough
To keep me from you
(Love dethrone)
Well you couldn't be that one I adored
You don't seem to know
Or seem to care
What your heart is for
I don't know you anymore
There's nothin' where you used to lie
My conversation has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothings right
I'm torn
I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn
( Bitterness reigns)
Oh it's a dirty old shame that all you get from love is a love song
It's gotcha layin up nights waiting for the music to start.
It's such a dirty old shame when you got to take the blame for a
love song.
Because the best love song is writing with a broken heart.
(The lull after the storm~ forgiveness)
So take a look at me now,
well there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,
just the memory of your face
Now take a look at me now,
( Hope Resurrected)
Some say love it is a river
that drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razer
that leaves your soul to blead
Some say love it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
and you it's only seed
It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of wakingthat never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dyingthat never learns to live
When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winterfar beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed
that with the sun's love
in the spring
becomes the rose
(New lasting love)
Love is the only thing that have made me cry
Nothing’s ever made me feel more alive
And that’s why once again here I am looking for New Love
I believe that its gonna be better than ever before
That’s why am looking for a new love for this old heart of mine
A new love and I can’t just wait to start
I wanna feel that way again
P.S- Can you identify the songs from which the lyrics are taken?
(First throes of love)
A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
(The courting)
Say you love me every weakening moment
Turn my head with talk to summertime
Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you
Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
You're safe
No one will find you
Your fears are far behind you
Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wild enough
To keep me from you
(Love dethrone)
Well you couldn't be that one I adored
You don't seem to know
Or seem to care
What your heart is for
I don't know you anymore
There's nothin' where you used to lie
My conversation has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothings right
I'm torn
I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn
( Bitterness reigns)
Oh it's a dirty old shame that all you get from love is a love song
It's gotcha layin up nights waiting for the music to start.
It's such a dirty old shame when you got to take the blame for a
love song.
Because the best love song is writing with a broken heart.
(The lull after the storm~ forgiveness)
So take a look at me now,
well there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,
just the memory of your face
Now take a look at me now,
( Hope Resurrected)
Some say love it is a river
that drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razer
that leaves your soul to blead
Some say love it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
and you it's only seed
It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of wakingthat never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dyingthat never learns to live
When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winterfar beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed
that with the sun's love
in the spring
becomes the rose
(New lasting love)
Love is the only thing that have made me cry
Nothing’s ever made me feel more alive
And that’s why once again here I am looking for New Love
I believe that its gonna be better than ever before
That’s why am looking for a new love for this old heart of mine
A new love and I can’t just wait to start
I wanna feel that way again
Thursday, October 15, 2009
She pulled me through...
(Written on 13th Oct '09)
In split seconds, the world turned upside down, figuratively and literally.
The car jumped, my head hit the ceiling, our bodies strapped to seat-belts swayed to and fro, skidded, hit against the divider at the flyover, with a force so colossal that it toppled upside down.
There was sound of scattering broken glasses followed by death silence. Then I heard my own voice writhing in pain shouting ‘why again?’ (I was in a similar accident just 4 years back).
I saw her injured hand lifeless, I heard his voice painfully beseeching for divine help and I felt a brain numbing pain below my waist. Crushed, broken, and mangled, my bones were. My heart turned cold at the thought of never being able to walk again.
What about mom? What would this do to her? She doesn’t deserve this! No, she doesn’t.
It isn’t fair to her. These were my first thoughts.
I wasn’t in denial.
I knew we had lost a friend. She was as beautiful as much as she was virtuous.
I knew he would be devastated. The desolation he would feel is unimaginative and no man or woman should have to ever undergo the same. I cry with him (We all do).
I could be more elaborate about this incident that shattered the lives of 3 people and their families. But, strong as I may seem, I am not ready yet.
It’s been 2 months 13 days since that fateful day.
I hope that one day I can write about it without this piercing pain in my heart.
I could talk about the angels sent by Him to rescue us and the many good Samaritans along the way, who played a big role in my treatment, survival and healing.
I could talk about my invaluable friends and colleagues who were there 24/7.
I could take about Ariba as an organization and how it stepped up for its member at the hour of need.
I could talk about the shoddy unreliable health/medical care system India owns.
I could talk about my surgery, my doubts, aches, and my ongoing recovery and rehabilitation.
But I won’t. Not now.
One day I will.
What I chose to talk about is my mother. Lying in her bed at home, fighting against the cancer that was weakening her, thousand miles away from where I was, she helped me pull through!
Yes, my mom had always been the cane whip that cracked on my palms when I’d been a truant. But she has also been the hug that assured me all is well and the world is just as it should be.
There is one gift that mom gave since childhood that has sustained me through the years – The gift of faith and prayer.
Through every bruise big or small, she would say ‘Be at peace. Your porter is molding you’. I screwed up at an important entrance exam. Alone in an alien city, disappointed, I’d called her up. She’d calmed me down by saying ‘You did your best. Now leave the rest to God. Your results will be according to His will’. That’s my mom, for you!
Oh I’ve been away from home for 10 years now. Being a free spirit, regular phone calls home became irregular, long calls turned into short ‘how do you do’. But my mom’s letters filled with love and scripture, kept on coming.
While I was carried into the ambulance, we could speak only for less than a minute on phone. Anxious and in tears, she wasn’t angry, neither was she hysterical. She said ‘Yet, my daughter, I don’t know why it happened but be strong. I know it pains but you will be alright. You are not alone’. I was crying then, more so because of her endearing loving words, than from the pain.
After a miraculous surgery, with rods embedded in my thighs, I was being cared for at a hospital bed. That’s when all kinds of questions bombarded my mind. Grieve, disappointment, anger, hurt were mixed with feelings of relief and gratitude for a second life. There was complete chaos in my mind. I was looking for answers (I still am).
And my biggest question was ‘Why’.
Mom steps in to the rescue, again!
She read to me a scripture verse that said ‘Truly, I tell all of you with certainty, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it produces a lot of grain.’ (John 12:24)
No it did not make sense to me immediately. But I did ponder on this verse.
It dawned upon me that I am the grain of wheat. For a grain of wheat to be fruitful, it needs to be buried into the soil. With sunshine, rain and minerals from the soil, it would spring out to produce more wheat, ensuring a good harvest. In a similar way, my life has been churned, my body remolded and I need to rise up, let go of the self and be a living illustration of ‘grace upon grace’.
Grace upon grace?
My mom defines this as ‘God’s purposes are always God’s enablings’. Which means, when God steers you to strange and uncertain situations, He will keep you very much in the dark about his purposes, but He will not leave you without His grace’.
I understood what this statement meant. I am yet to understand the magnitude of what it entails.
But, with hope springing forth in my heart, I can safely say….
The ‘why’ is now replaced with ‘what if He is making me what I am meant to be?’
Mom, you are right now lying at the hospital bed, weak and fragile, slipping between worlds. They say it’s too late now. Survival is unlikely.Our heart aches for you. We want you to be free of the pain, back to your healthy, cheerful and the so full-of-life woman that you are. We have seen how you’d loved, how you’ve been the anchor for so many people, far and near. We have seen through you, how one’s faith can move mountains.
So with immense confidence and unshakable faith, we know you can fight back!
You can do it, my anchor woman.
I love you.
We all love you.
In split seconds, the world turned upside down, figuratively and literally.
The car jumped, my head hit the ceiling, our bodies strapped to seat-belts swayed to and fro, skidded, hit against the divider at the flyover, with a force so colossal that it toppled upside down.
There was sound of scattering broken glasses followed by death silence. Then I heard my own voice writhing in pain shouting ‘why again?’ (I was in a similar accident just 4 years back).
I saw her injured hand lifeless, I heard his voice painfully beseeching for divine help and I felt a brain numbing pain below my waist. Crushed, broken, and mangled, my bones were. My heart turned cold at the thought of never being able to walk again.
What about mom? What would this do to her? She doesn’t deserve this! No, she doesn’t.
It isn’t fair to her. These were my first thoughts.
I wasn’t in denial.
I knew we had lost a friend. She was as beautiful as much as she was virtuous.
I knew he would be devastated. The desolation he would feel is unimaginative and no man or woman should have to ever undergo the same. I cry with him (We all do).
I could be more elaborate about this incident that shattered the lives of 3 people and their families. But, strong as I may seem, I am not ready yet.
It’s been 2 months 13 days since that fateful day.
I hope that one day I can write about it without this piercing pain in my heart.
I could talk about the angels sent by Him to rescue us and the many good Samaritans along the way, who played a big role in my treatment, survival and healing.
I could talk about my invaluable friends and colleagues who were there 24/7.
I could take about Ariba as an organization and how it stepped up for its member at the hour of need.
I could talk about the shoddy unreliable health/medical care system India owns.
I could talk about my surgery, my doubts, aches, and my ongoing recovery and rehabilitation.
But I won’t. Not now.
One day I will.
What I chose to talk about is my mother. Lying in her bed at home, fighting against the cancer that was weakening her, thousand miles away from where I was, she helped me pull through!
Yes, my mom had always been the cane whip that cracked on my palms when I’d been a truant. But she has also been the hug that assured me all is well and the world is just as it should be.
There is one gift that mom gave since childhood that has sustained me through the years – The gift of faith and prayer.
Through every bruise big or small, she would say ‘Be at peace. Your porter is molding you’. I screwed up at an important entrance exam. Alone in an alien city, disappointed, I’d called her up. She’d calmed me down by saying ‘You did your best. Now leave the rest to God. Your results will be according to His will’. That’s my mom, for you!
Oh I’ve been away from home for 10 years now. Being a free spirit, regular phone calls home became irregular, long calls turned into short ‘how do you do’. But my mom’s letters filled with love and scripture, kept on coming.
While I was carried into the ambulance, we could speak only for less than a minute on phone. Anxious and in tears, she wasn’t angry, neither was she hysterical. She said ‘Yet, my daughter, I don’t know why it happened but be strong. I know it pains but you will be alright. You are not alone’. I was crying then, more so because of her endearing loving words, than from the pain.
After a miraculous surgery, with rods embedded in my thighs, I was being cared for at a hospital bed. That’s when all kinds of questions bombarded my mind. Grieve, disappointment, anger, hurt were mixed with feelings of relief and gratitude for a second life. There was complete chaos in my mind. I was looking for answers (I still am).
And my biggest question was ‘Why’.
Mom steps in to the rescue, again!
She read to me a scripture verse that said ‘Truly, I tell all of you with certainty, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it produces a lot of grain.’ (John 12:24)
No it did not make sense to me immediately. But I did ponder on this verse.
It dawned upon me that I am the grain of wheat. For a grain of wheat to be fruitful, it needs to be buried into the soil. With sunshine, rain and minerals from the soil, it would spring out to produce more wheat, ensuring a good harvest. In a similar way, my life has been churned, my body remolded and I need to rise up, let go of the self and be a living illustration of ‘grace upon grace’.
Grace upon grace?
My mom defines this as ‘God’s purposes are always God’s enablings’. Which means, when God steers you to strange and uncertain situations, He will keep you very much in the dark about his purposes, but He will not leave you without His grace’.
I understood what this statement meant. I am yet to understand the magnitude of what it entails.
But, with hope springing forth in my heart, I can safely say….
The ‘why’ is now replaced with ‘what if He is making me what I am meant to be?’
Mom, you are right now lying at the hospital bed, weak and fragile, slipping between worlds. They say it’s too late now. Survival is unlikely.Our heart aches for you. We want you to be free of the pain, back to your healthy, cheerful and the so full-of-life woman that you are. We have seen how you’d loved, how you’ve been the anchor for so many people, far and near. We have seen through you, how one’s faith can move mountains.
So with immense confidence and unshakable faith, we know you can fight back!
You can do it, my anchor woman.
I love you.
We all love you.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
In desperation
Wrote this on 14th July at around 10:45 pm
hate the fact that i dont wake up lookin fwd to the day, i hate the grumpy and lifeless faces around me, i hate to get sad phonecalls eventhough i may love the caller, i hate the fact that i cant go to sleep early coz of work, i hate that when i finally sleep am not at peace coz i'm not done with what was suppose to be done yesterday, am sleepy but i;ve got miles to go before i can sleep, but i cant walk the miles coz am so mentally drain
hate the fact that i dont wake up lookin fwd to the day, i hate the grumpy and lifeless faces around me, i hate to get sad phonecalls eventhough i may love the caller, i hate the fact that i cant go to sleep early coz of work, i hate that when i finally sleep am not at peace coz i'm not done with what was suppose to be done yesterday, am sleepy but i;ve got miles to go before i can sleep, but i cant walk the miles coz am so mentally drain
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ode to Mei-ieid

Mei-ieid –That’s what I called her. We all addressed her by that name.
It means Mother-of-love.
(In Khasi, Mei means Mother, Ieid means Love).
That’s my grandma for you
Her essence, her beauty, her charm, her affections, her advices, her reprimands imprinted itself in my mind, carved its way into a big corner of my heart, since the time I was just a gibberish mumbling toddler.
She’d created the fountain of love, built on bricks of goodness, moral values, virtue, hope, peace, forgiveness. She’d lived the maxim ‘When the going gets tough, the tough gets going’.
No wonder her 6 children turned out to be the fine men and women, which they are. Each one has become individuals to reckon with whether in their own families or the society.
Doctors, engineers, lecturers, officers, they’ve become, solely because of how she’d brought them up.
Born to parents that were not too well-off, she learned to climb the ropes of survival at a tender young age. She realized that money doesn’t come easy. One needs to earn it. And that was what made her a responsible, respected, loved, care-giving nurse at one of the first hospitals in Khasi Hills, Shillong.
My memories go as far back as a sight of her in her crispy white uniform, always punctual at work, no compromise on duty, whether day or night. She was a dedicated professional.
Then again I remember her, on a cold winter night, sitting by the coal fire, cooking, after which she then fed me. It could be just plain white rice with a little salt. But when she feeds me, literally, from her hand, I would gobble it up like it was the most appetizing food I had ever tasted. Isn’t there some saying that it’s not what you cook but how much love you put into your cooking, that makes the difference? Well, my Mei-ieid for sure did that.
Mei-ieid departed at a ripe old age of 85 on 2nd May, 2009. She was bed ridden for almost 9 years because of her arthritis.Being taken care of by others, especially by my darling aunt Mei-duh, she never complaint of her discomfort. Rather, she would often smile. Whenever I am back for vacations from college, she always had a smile for me. Initially, she would talk to me about my life in college. But as the years went by, when talking became tiring, she would still be ready with a smile. Just one word, ‘Yet’, in her soft loving voice, followed by her smile and her kiss, was enough (She called me Yet). I am blessed.
Yeah, I could go on about you, Mei-ieid. I could even write your biography.
But you know what your greatest testimony is? It’s the kids you have raised and your grand-children, their scions. They are your legacy and your testimony.
We may not be your perfect example. In-fact, we may be clue-less as to how to fight the good fight. But one thing we all have in common, that binds us together. That is, the values you have instilled and the love of Christ.
They will live on.
Even in your death, you still managed to inspire me.
It’s been 6 months since I wrote anything. Life had been such, Mei-ieid, that my mind, my feelings were blocked. Maybe you whispered into my heart, as your parting gift, and that is why the dams of my heart finally broke open, my mind cleared up, and am writing again.
I am what I am today, because I was nurtured by you.
Thank You. Till we meet again.
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