Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Don't hmm me!!!

The ‘hmm’ expression

I hate to be hmm at. It’s a downright rude expression!

And to my dismay, I found that it does exist in the dictionary.

Defined as an Interjection, it is an expression ‘to express thoughtful absorption, hesitation, doubt, or perplexity’. I am not surprised. But I would like to add to the definition.

I have been ‘hmm’ too many a times.

And the feeling I get is a perplexing one.

I ask a friend ‘You hung up on me all of a sudden. Did I say something wrong?’
An answer to this question could be yes or no.
However, incase my friend does not want to appear impolite, he could come out with a tactful answer, maybe something like ‘ Oh no, I pressed the wrong button. My bad. ’ (yeah right! ) or a more believable one like ‘ I don’t know how but the network just went off’ (in 6 cases out of 10, this could be a genuine answer).

But my friend said ‘ hmm, not at all’.

Wow, if it weren’t so pathetic, this could have made me laugh it off.
‘hmm, not at all’- he wants to appear tactful, courteously shrugging off the fact that what I said might have pissed him off, but he failed miserably… because to me the ‘hmm’ is a dead giveaway of your true sentiments.


  1. hmmmmmmmm.......... very rite indeed hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk

  2. i'm wondering who is this guy who made u so MAD!!!!!!!!!! hmmmm...hehehehe ;)

  3. You would hate my brother then...he hmmmmms a lot....even online...I personally prefer a hhhrrrmmmpphhh, a hhhaaannnhh??!!, heh and a drooool...


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